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Team: 4 UX/UI Designers

Role: Researcher and Designer

Duration: 3 Weeks

Tools: Figma, Miro, Google drive

Meet to Meet is a mobile dating app used for meeting potential partners at singles events. It's an app that does what other's can't! Minimize dating anxiety.


Ever felt anxious while dating? Well you're not alone, numerous people feel this way when dating. These feelings make it hard to ask others out on in-person dates, and prevents people from achieving their goal of building connections that they deeply desire.

So we asked ourselves, how might we help people feel more comfortable when dating, so they can foster the connections they’re looking for?"


A mobile app that combines the low pressure communication features of online dating with the charm of natural in-person dating.


But how did we discover this problem, and figure out a solution? The answer, field research.

At first we believed people would find online dating superficial, and in person dating more genuine. However, by conducting interviews, and collecting survey results, we found that people were concerned about another problem...

We found that connecting with others in person is a deep desire for many people, but they feel anxious about all the uncertainties that come with approaching and interacting with others.

Q. How do you prefer to meet people when dating?

Q. What motivates you to meet them this way?

Q. What pain points do you have when using dating apps to meet people? 

Small percentage of people end up responding

Wants to make sure people are real, not bots

You don't get to know the real person

Meet to Meet rearranges these puzzle pieces, and links talking online with meeting in person. Our goal is to help people feel more comfortable when dating, so they can develop the connections they deeply desire.

competitor analysis
Priority matrix
user flow
the one after the user flow

Dating apps allow them to feel safer, but transitioning from online to in person meetings is also riddled with obstacles and anxiety.

Q. Have you used dating apps before? Which ones?

Q. What led you to use the app?

Q. What pain points do you have when meeting people without the use of dating apps? 

Finds approaching people daunting

Doesn't know what the right time is to approach someone

Feels anxious when asking other people out

We created an affinity diagram to organize the responses from our interviews and survey into categories which helped us pinpoint the problem we want to help solve 

Affinity Diagrams

User Testing

changes made through testing



Low to High-Fidelity


Hover your mouse over the screens to see wireframes for these sketches

Wireframes with arrows

Low fidelity 



iphone ui

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